Managing CATIA Assembly (.CATProduct)
- First of all, Managing files in CATIA is important because a you could lose your data if the part is not managed well.
Saving and Loading a CATIA PART (.CATPart)
- To save and load a CATIA Part (.CATPart), it is very straight forward, Refer to picture below:

Saving a CATIA Part
To save a CATIA Part, simply go to file -> save as and choose a directory where you want to save your files.
- Then, the part will be available in the directory where you saved it.
Saving and Loading a CATIA Product (.CATProduct)
- Firstly, a more careful approach have to be taken to save an Assembly.
- For example, if an assembly is saved as it did in CATIA Part using file -> Save As, we will see this error.
- Broken link in the picture means that the part in the assembly is lost. This is due to:
- Renaming folder
- Moving files to other folder.
- Deleted folder
- To avoid this problem, use “Save Management”
- By following these steps, the product that you save will be protected from broken links.