On the active view, double-click the text to which you want to add a link. An empty text is created in the drawing. The Text Editor dialog box is also displayed. Do not pay attention to this dialog box yet.
In the drawing, right-click the text and select Attribute Link.
Select the object to which you want the text to be linked, from the specification tree (either from the 3D or from the CATDrawing document).
For example, select Hole 2 from the CATPart specification tree.
The Attribute Link Panel dialog box is displayed in the Drafting window:
Select the “Part1\PartBody\Hole.2\Diameter 8.5mm” attribute from the list.
The 8.5mm value automatically appears both in the Text Editor dialog box and on the CATDrawing.
Click OK to validate and exit the dialog box.
Modify the diameter value of Hole 2 on the CATPart. For example, change it to 13.5mm.
Click Update in the CATDrawing. The views generated on the CATDrawing and the text attribute value are updated to take this modification into account.