Have you ever faced a situation where you need to change between workbenches just to have the access to use few icons. Example, most of your work will be using solid features, so you spend most times in Part Design workbench. However there are certain features such as Extract or Extrapolate that you may need to use, and for that you had to change to Generative Shape Design workbench just to use those icons, and return back to Part Design to continue your solid modeling. This swithc back and forth can consumes time and distact your flow in modeling.
To tackle this, we can customize our own toolbar, whereby for this case, we want a toolbar in Part Design Workbench, that have Extract, Extrapolate or any other GSD features.
- Go to Tools >> Customize
2. Go to the Toolbars tab. Click New
3. You may enter certain name for your new toolbar, in this case Icons From GSD. Click OK. You may see a blank toolbar had been created.
4. You may go to Commands tab. Under the Categories look for All Commands.
5. Under the Commands, search for Extract… , drag and drop it to the blank toolbar. You can see that the Extract icon is now on the new toolbar.
6. Repeat step 5 and add Untrim, Extrapolate and Boundary to the new toolbar, Icons From GSD.
7. And now as you can see, we can use a GSD feature, in this case Extract, eventhough we are still in the Part Design workbench.