- Example that you had created a part and control them with linking it to user parameters like the shown image.
2. You may create the design table externally in excel. Ensure that your table column is tally with your intended user parameters and with the correct units as well (ex; mm for length and deg for angle).
3. From the Knowledge toolbar, select the Design Table icon.
4. Make sure we check the option “Create a design table form a pre-existing file”. Click OK.
5. Select the existing excel file and click Open.
6. Click Yes. Should the name in the excel column and the user parameters is the same, it will automatically associate among themselves. However for this case, we need to do it manually since the name is not the same.
7. Go to the Associations tab. Choose User parameters for the Filter Type. You may see the User parameters on the Parameters and the excel parameters on the Columns.
8. Ensure that you highlighted the correct Parameter with the correct Column item. Select Associate to link them.
9. You may see that the User parameters named Base_Width and been associate with BW from the excel table.
10. Repeat the same step until you manage to associate all the user parameters with the respective Column item.
Click OK.
11. Now you can see that your model had been control by the external design table. And by selecting different configuration, the model will updated accordingly.