When dealing with very large, complex assemblies (especially those with components that have a long names) the specification tree size can quickly start to overtake the screen itself. When this happens, we have three go-to methods to manage the tree size.
- The first method is one that probably everyone is familiar with and I always tell my new students that it’s easy to remember because it rhymes. “Control and scroll.” Holding down the “ctrl” key plus scrolling with the wheel of your mouse will allow you to simply change the physical tree text size. This method is best for when you have a large resolution size and if you have good eyesight so that you can still see the tree branches at a small size.
- The second method is also another rhyming tip. “Hide your tree, hit F3.” You can scroll your specification tree up and down with the wheel of your mouse but when you are dealing with an extra long tree, you don’t want to scroll for 2 minutes just to get the tree our of the way. So, the F3 shortcut is a quick tool to temporarily hide your tree no matter the size.
- The third option is a lesser known tool to controlling your specification tree size.
This one is found in your internal settings starting off with Tools –> Options.
Hope you may found this benifical 🙂