Here are the steps to troubleshoot the error for ‘Could not load SOLIDWORKS DLL: GdtAnalysisSupport.dll’
Step 1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator
Go to Windows Start > type in cmd > right-click > Run as administrator.
Step 2. In Windows Explorer, navigate to SolidWorks installation location (where sldworks.exe is contained)
Step 3. Drag and drop sldworks.exe into the command prompt and type /regserver
*if drag and drop does not auto fill the file path in the command prompt, manually type in the command.
Typically, the command would look like,
“C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp 2021\SOLIDWORKS\sldworks.exe” /regserver
Step 4. Press Enter. This will register sldworks.exe
Step 5. Reconfirm behavior.