Welcome to DraftSight 2021
This new release of Draftsight introduces new features that help to accelerate work on large and complex projects.
Importing PDF Drawings
- 2D drawings that were saved or archived in the PDF format can now be reused for quick edits and changes.
- Draftsight 2021 SP1 can now import PDF drawings and recognise the editable lines and curves, converting them into DWG files without external plug-ins.
- All layers will be recognized and entire blocks will be able to explode to allow for edits, which saves time in recreating the drawings or marking up read-only PDF files.
- Available in DraftSight Premium and Enterprise Plus.
Organize massive sheets with Sheet Set Manager
- Large projects containing massive amount of pages can now be easily managed with the dedicated sheet set manager.
- Sheets from multiple drawings can be collected automatically and apply global properties and print settings to the sheets without opening drawings.
- This new feature saves the tedious and error-prone manual effort of opening and editing each and every sheet for printing preparations.
- Available in DraftSight Premium and Enterprise Plus.
Visual LISP Support
- Visual LISP routines are frequent and important automations created in AutoCAD to speed up repetitive tasks and ensure quality
- Draftsight 2021 can now run Visual LISP directly without having to reconfigure or recreate them. This support for Auto LISP accomplishes full compatibility with legacy AutoCAD automations.
- You can now simply load a LISP similar to opening a file and execute the routine as designed by the LISP.
- Available in DraftSight Professional and Premium.
Added hundreds more of Command Variables
- Command variables control the state of drawings, options and preferences in commands, aspects of the user interface, and settings for drawing, editing, and viewing modes.
- You can use some variables like a command (especially those that turn on and off certain states of the drawing environment).
- This new release has added hundreds of more Command Variables so that you have better control of your drawings and run the legacy AutoCAD commands and automations referencing these variables more smoothly.
Modify patterns associatively and directly with graphical grips
- Patterns are common objects to ensure consistency and increase productivity.
- With DraftSight 2021, you can easily drag and drop graphical grips to adjust pattern location, instance, and spacing.
- To more accurately edit the parameters, you can also type in numbers on the in-context input boxes.
- The associative patterns are supported in both 2D and 3D DWGs.
- Available in DraftSight Premium and Enterprise Plus.
Control image quality of PDF prints
- High quality image assets are frequently used as references in drawings, such as logos or watermarks.
- The new features allows for control over the quality of the vector and raster images to improve the PDF output presentations, speed out the printing process and cut file sizes,
Modify the model viewport background color directly with a command
- A common practice has been to adjust model viewport colors according to personal preferences.
- Now you can set up colors easily to relax your eyes and protect your vision by simply typing in this