This error might be encountered when trying to launch eDrawing application.
This issue is caused by either Windows Management Instrument (WMI) service have not been started or the WMI service is corrupted.
To check if the WMI service is started, go to Windows Start > type services > open Services Application > check if the service for Windows Management Instrument is started. If it is stopped, right click on the service and click Start.
Then try to Launch eDrawing.
If the services is already started, the issue might be due to corrupted WMI service.
To test this, launch System Info and you might get the message ‘Can’t Collect Information’.
If this is the case, the you will need to repair the WMI services.
First, stop WMI service by following the steps above but instead right-click and select Stop.
Then rename to Repository folder located in C:\Windows\system32\wbem\repository to repository_old.
Restart WMI service. Check if System Info is working properly.
eDrawing should be able to open after successful repair of WMI services.