Fix Normal
The Fix Normal tool harmonizes normal information of poly-faces in a mesh.
The Fix Normal tool is useful for:
- Correcting the normal information of poly-faces to create an optimal mesh
- Fixing the normal information of poly-faces in tessellated CAD mesh that has been imported from neutral file formats such as IGES or STEP
How to Use
How to correct normal information of poly-faces in a mesh
- Make sure that mesh objects are visible in the Model View.
- In the MEASURED tab, in the Tools group, click Fix Normal or go to MENU > Tools > Measured Tools > Fix Normal .
- Select the Automatic method and the Propagate Topologically option.
- Pick a seed poly-face on a mesh and check the results.
- To reverse the normal direction manually, select the Interactive method and pick a seed poly-face on the mesh.
- Click OK to complete the command.
Options in Detail
This tool features four methods:
- Automatic
Automatically fixes the normal information of poly-faces in a mesh.
- Interactive
Reverses the normal information of connected poly-faces.
- Entire Mesh Or Point Cloud
Reverses the normal information of entire poly-faces in a mesh.
- Refer Reference Data
Fixes the normal of Measured Data based on the normal of the Reference Data.
Automatic – Fixes the normal information of poly-faces in a mesh by propagating topologically, propagating geometrically, or repairing tangled poly-faces.
Propagate Topologically – Fixes the normal information of poly-faces inside of its boundary.
Propagate Geometrically – Fixes the normal information of poly-faces regardless of its boundaries. Check the Propagate Geometrically option of a mesh that has disjoined poly-edges and non-manifold poly-faces and boundaries that do not exist in the mesh.
Repair Tangled Poly-Faces – Repairs twisted and tangled topology and fixes the normal information of poly-faces. The Repair Tangled Poly-Faces option is used to correct the twisted topology that may occur when triangulating Measured Data which has thin walls.
Interactive – Reverses the normal information of connected poly-faces.
Entire Mesh Or Point Cloud – Reverses the normal information of entire poly-faces in mesh.
Refer Reference Data – Fixes the normal of Measured Data based on the normal of the Reference Data.