There are many ways/styles in generating solids and surfaces profile. In this topic, we will learn how to use extract reference point tools from Geomagic for Solidworks and other Solidworks tools to help in this modeling.

- Open Solidworks > New part > Import desired .STL file. As shown in figure 1.

- Select extract reference point tool and pick several points on the mesh data as per figure 2. Picked points will be automatically positioned on top of the mesh data.

- Using Solidworks 3D sketch tools. Connect all the points using spline as per shown in figure 3. User can also use line to connect the points according to desired styles.

- Using Solidworks fill surface tools. Generate surface by filling up the parameters as shown in figure 4.

- Use deviation analysis as shown in figure 5 to compare your solid or surface model with its source scan data. Use this command to make modeling decisions for the most accurate results.

- Using extract reference point tool as shown in figure 6, pick desired points on the mesh data to modify the surface for quality purposes.

- Select the points from previous step to fill up the constraints curve/point parameters as shown in figure 7.

- Use deviation analysis tool as per figure 8 to check on the deviation of the surface.