In Spring Design there are two type of typical springs that required in certain conditions and that is Barrel and Hour Glass Spring.
Here is the steps on how to achieve these type of springs.
- Example create a Sketch on YZ Plane.
- Create a Spline with the dimension as shown. For Barrel profile, the middle have to be bigger radius then the end radius.
- Select the Helix icon.
- For Helix Type, select Height and Pitch.
- Select the bottom vertex of Sketch.1 as the Starting Point. Select Z Axis as Axis of rotation.
- Enter the Height to the same value that we define for the Sketch.1, in this case 300mm. Enter 10mm for Pitch
- For the Radius variation, change from Taper Angle to Profile.
- Select the created Sketch.1. Click Preview and you can see that the Helix now following the shape of Sketch.1.
- Select the Sweep icon.
- For Profile type, choose Circle Sweep.
- For Subtype, choose Center and radius. Select Helix.1 for the Center Curve and enter 3mm for the Radius. You can see that the sweep surface would create the Barrel Spring.
- Should you want to change the design into other shape, let say an Hour Glass shape, you may edit the Sketch.1 accordingly.
13. And once you exit the Sketch.1, you can see that the Spring will change to Hour Glass Shape.