- Let say we have an element, example like the 3d Text as shown.
2. Create a sketch on the same plane as the sketch for the 3D text.
3. Select the Rectangle from the Profile toolbar. Create the Rectangle and Constraint it as shown. Exit the Sketcher.
4. From the Surface Tool bar, select the Fill icon. Select the previous created sketch and click OK.
5. From the Surface toolbar, select the Offset icon. Select Fill.1 for the Surface and enter 10mm for the offset value.
Ensure the offset direction is follow the shown image.
6. From the Surface toolbar, select the Sphere icon. Create the origin point as center(On The Fly) and enter the rest of the sphere parameters as shown. Click OK
7. From the Wireframe toolbar, select Parallel Curve icon.
For Curve, select the top sphere edge.
For Support, select the Sphere surface.
Enter 80mm for the Constant value and click OK.
8. Repeat Step 7 for the bottom Parallel Curve as shown.
9. From the Wireframe toolbar, select Intersection icon.
For First Element, select YZ plane.
For Second Element, select the sphere.
Click OK. You will get an intersection curve
10. From the Wireframe toolbar, select Intersection icon.
For First Element, select Intersect.1.
For Second Element, select Parallel.1.
Click OK. You will get an intersection point
11. From the Wireframe toolbar, select Intersection icon.
For First Element, select Intersect.1.
For Second Element, select Parallel.2.
Click OK. You will get an intersection point
12. From the Wireframe toolbar, select Point icon.
For Point Type, choose On curve.
For Curve, select Intersect.1
Ensure to select Intersect.2 as the Reference point and the direction is correct.
Choose Distance on curve and enter 25mm.
13. Repeat Step 12 by selecting Intersect.3 as the Reference point.
14. From the Wireframe toolbar, select Spline icon.
Select the points in the order as shown in the image.
Click the box for Geometry on support and select Sphere.1.
Click OK
15. Repeat step 14 with the the 3 points at the bottom side as shown.
16. From the Operations toolbar, select the Split icon.
For Element to cut, select Sphere.1
For Cutting element, select both Spline.1 and Spline.2
Ensure that you cut the right area.
17. Hide all other elements leaving the Split.1
18. From the Surface toolbar, select the Offset icon.
For Surface, select Split.1
For Offset, enter 20mm.
Ensure the direction is outward and click OK.
19. From the Operations toolbar, select Extract icon.
Select the whole Partbody. Click OK
For the Multi-Result Management, choose keep all the sub-elements. Click OK.
20. From the Advanced Surface toolbar, select the Shape Morphing icon.
For Element to deform, select Extract.1
For the first pair, For Reference, select the Fill.1 top edge. For Target, select the top edge of Split.1
21. For the second pair, For Reference, select the Fill.1 bottom edge. For Target, select the bottom edge of Split.1
22. For the 3rd pair, For Reference, select the Offset.1 top edge. For Target, select the top edge of Offset.2
23. For the 4th pair, For Reference, select the Offset.1 bottom edge. For Target, select the bottom edge of Offset.2
24. For the 5th pair, For Reference, select the Fill.1 right edge. For Target, select the right edge of Split.1
25. For the 6th pair, For Reference, select the Fill.1 left edge. For Target, select the left edge of Split.1
26. For the 7th pair, For Reference, select the Offset.1 right edge. For Target, select the right edge of Offset.2
27. For the 8th pair, For Reference, select the Offset.1 left edge. For Target, select the left edge of Offset.2.
Click OK to complete the Shape Morphing operations.
28. You should be able to get the surface morph as shown.