Importing geometrical features from 3D Cad Data to Drafting.
1. Before we dive into importing the geometrical features into our drafting, lets look at what is the relevant geometrical features.
2. The geometrical features in this case is features like points, lines, curves, etc.
3. These geometrical features can be drawn in our 3D model as per below picture.
4. As we can see, at the surface of the part, we have points and lines created.
5. If we import the part into the drawing, by default the lines and points will not be shown. Refer to picture below.
6. To show the geometrical features in the drawing, first right click on the relevant “Views” in the specification tree and click on properties. In this example, we choose the front view.
7. Then, a window will show as below picture.
In the highlighted “Box”, we can the the “3D Points” and “3D Wireframe”.
- If the 3D Points has been checked, we will able to import all of the “Points” that we have created in the 3D Model.
- If the 3D Wireframe has been checked, make sure to check “Is always visible” to show all the lines, curves that is available in the 3D Model.
8. Once both options has been checked, we should be able to see that our geometrical sets has been imported.
9. Once these geometries has been imported, we can further put any dimensions if we need these geometries to have their individual dimensions.