This task explains how to unload the Dassault Systemes License Server on a single computer running a supported
Windows operating system.7 Installation and de-installation rely on Windows-compliant tools enabling anyone familiar with Windows procedures and concepts to install the software without assistance.
1. Log on as an administrator.
You must belong to the Administrators group, or have the privileges assigned to the Administrators group.
Otherwise, you will not be able to start the installation.
2. Insert the media into the drive.
The following dialog box appears informing you that the installation is about to commence:
followed by the dialog box welcoming you to the DS License Server setup wizard:
Click the Next button to move to the next step.
3. Select the installation folder.
The Select Installation Folder dialog box appears:
The default destination folder is:
C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\DS License Server
If the default destination folder is suitable, click the Next button to move to the next step, or click the Browse…
button and navigate to select another folder and click OK.
The folder you choose must be empty. You can also specify a new folder: if the folder does not exist, you
will be prompted to specify that you want the folder to be created, in which case you must click the Yes
button to create the folder.
Click the Next button to move to the next step.
4. Select the installation type.
The Select Installation Type dialog box appears:
You have two choices:
• Installs only Administration Tool: allows you to install only the License Administration Tool. Refer to
Installing Only the License Administration Tool on Windows on page 15 for more details.
• Installs License Server and Administration Tool (default).
In our example, we are going to install both the License Server and the Administration Tool.
Set the Listening Administration Port number. The port number you set is used to listen to Dassault
Systemes License Server administration tool requests. The default is 4084.
5. Decide whether to install from scratch or not.
Installing from scratch means that you are installing the Dassault Systemes License Server and also deleting
all previous licenses in the license repository, including the activation license. This may be necessary if your
licenses have been corrupted. To do so, check the Install Server from scratch check button. The warning
is displayed again, informing that all licenses will be deleted if you continue:
Click OK, then decide whether to continue installing from scratch, or uncheck the check box if you want to keep your existing licenses.
Click the Next button to move to the next step.
6. Install the DS License Server.
The Ready to install DS License Server dialog box appears:
Click the Install button to install the Dassault Systemes License Server.
The Installing DS License Server dialog box appears:
A progress bar is displayed while the Dassault Systemes License Server files are installed and the corresponding Windows service is started.
Once the installation has been completed, the following dialog box appears:
Informing you that the installation has been completed, and the License Administration Tool is launched
automatically, with the License Server Connection Parameters dialog box in the foreground.
7. Click the Finish button to exit the setup wizard.
The License Administration Tool remains open. You now have to create a server definition for the license
server you just installed on your computer in the License Server Connection Parameters dialog box: