Figure1: Rectangular Prism in SOLIDWORKS
In SOLIDWORKS, it is able to calculate the moment of inertia. For the rectangular prism, the formula to calculate the moments of inertia is as per picture below. The mass of the model is 0.20 grams.
Figure 2: Moments of Inertia Formula for Rectangular Prism
Based on the equations above, know that the Ixx=6.68, Iyy= 1.68 and Izz= 8.33 in grams*square millimeters. In SOLIDWORKS, go to evaluate, select Mass Properties. Then, it will show the properties of the solid part. In the Mass Properties windows, it will show the Moment of Inertia of the part.
Figure 3: Mass Properties Window
In Figure 3, noticed that the moments of inertia is same as the manual calculation in blue colour box. But in SOLIDWORKS, it shows Lxx, Lyy and Lzz. Furthermore, the coordinate system can be changed, then the moment of inertia will be recalculated. The moment of inertia which is depend on the coordinate system is show below of the blue box.
Next, the moment of inertia rectangle area can be calculated as well. Go to “Evaluate”, select “Section Properties” the section properties window will show. It looks like the same as Mass Properties window. In the window, it shows the moment of inertia of the area, at the centroid which is millimeters^4.
Figure4: Section Properties Window