If you are entitled to a free exam voucher for Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional (CSWP), the voucher code will be credited in your 3DEXPERIENCE certification account.
You need a SOLIDWORKS ID to access to the 3DEXPERIENCE Certification Center. If you do not have one yet, you may click the link below and refer the post for guide on creating a SOLIDWORKS ID.
Once you have obtained a SOLIDWORKS ID, please follow these steps to redeem the free CSWP exam voucher:
- Visit https://3dexperience.virtualtester.com/#home
- Log in to your 3DEXPERIENCE certification account or create a new one using the Login button in the upper right corner of the page.
- Click on the Subscription Offer tab found along the left hand navigation pane, then click Start Here.
- Follow the prompts that will include logging in to your SOLIDWORKS ID until you receive your voucher code.