Each plot created in a study can be saved individually in any of several formats available. Most likely you will find eDrawings format the most useful when communicating the SOLIDWORKS analysis results.
Rather than saving result plots individually, it is also possible to save them all together in one step. Using eDrawings format, all plots will be stored in one file that will be located in the SOLIDWORKS Simulation report folder.
Follow the steps below to learn how to save your SOLIDWORKS Simulation result plots as an eDrawings file.
- Open your SOLIDWORKS Part or Assembly.
- Create a new Simulation Study or open if you have an existing Study.
- Run the study.
- Once the results are generated, right click on the Results folder > Save all plots as eDrawings.
- Browse to your desired location, make sure the Save as type is eDrawings file (.easm or .eprt).
- Open the file generated in eDrawings.
- The results are now available in 3D view. The value chart also appears on the right side accordingly.
- Each plot for the Simulation result will be available under Studies icon located near the bottom right corner of the screen.
- That’s it! You can now share your simulation results to others effectively without having them to install SOLIDWORKS in their computers.