After SOLIDWORKS is updated to a newer service pack, you may find that there is a problem with SOLIDWORKS Toolbox with a message stating that the Toolbox database is “…not the expected version”. The issue occurs due to the right Toolbox location is not “pointing to” during the SOLIDWORKS installation process and is missed during the upgrade process. You will commonly experience this with network shared Toolbox setups.
To fix this you need to update the Toolbox database, browse to SOLIDWORKS installation folder, typically “C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS“, and then to “Toolbox\data utilities” right click on “UpdateBrowserDatabase.exe” and select “Run as administrator”.
Click on “…” button to browse for the file “swbrowser.sldedb” located normally in “C:\SOLIDWORKS Data\lang\english“.
To initiate the upgrade, select the “Update” button.