1. Type in SpellCheck in the command prompt.
2. Choose the Text entities to verify in the graphics section, then press Enter.
3. If DraftSight detects a spelling error, the Spell Check dialogue box is displayed:
- The dialogue box shows the term in doubt under Current word.
- The dialogue box shows the Text line or a section of the Text line under Context.
- Correction suggestions are listed under Suggestions.
4. Next step you can:
- Ignore the suggestion for the selected word.
- Ignore All the suggestions for all words.
- Change the selected word to the word selected in Suggestions.
- Change All the misspelled words to the word selected in Suggestions.
- Add the selected word to the dictionary.
- Look Up a word to find synonyms.
- Change Dictionary to specify another language for spell checking.
5. Close SpellCheck dialogue.