The symptoms described are consistent with the following known issue in SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2020 SP2.0 which was documented in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base (KB) earlier in March this year:
SPR 1173299 – “SOLIDWORKS Simulation: Message ‘G8B: Image Idices are not proper…Plz Check the order in enums and the images’ appears many times when the SOLIDWORKS Simulation Add-In loads with certain monitor/display settings (e.g. 4k monitors, scaling options > 120 DPI, etc.)”
This issue will be resolved in the release of SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2020 SP3. Please check the Knowledge Base for the latest information about the resolution of the issue and possible workarounds. The workarounds documented (as of March 24, 2020) are provided below as a reference for those who are unable to access the Knowledge Base.
- When the message appears, press and HOLD the Escape (‘Esc’) key on your keyboard. This will rapidly dismiss all subsequent instances of the message, so that you do not have to click dozens of times to dismiss each message instance. Tests have shown that the SOLIDWORKS Simulation Add-In functions normally for the remainder of its session. Note that reloading the SOLIDWORKS Simulation Add-In in the same session of SOLIDWORKS will require repeating this process. If you do not regularly use the SOLIDWORKS Simulation Add-In, consider clearing the ‘Start Up’ checkbox for SOLIDWORKS Simulation in the Tools > Add-Ins menu.
- Modify the Microsoft Windows Display Setting “Change the size of text, apps, and other items”. In Windows 10, this can be found in the ‘Settings’ app > ‘System’ > ‘Display’ > ‘Scale and layout’. Tests have shown the reducing the percentage value may avoid the issue due to a reduction in the DPI detected by SOLIDWORKS. For example, a 1920 x 1080 monitor at 150% shows 144 DPI in the SOLIDWORKS Performance log (see KB Solution S-060135), and the issue occurs. After reducing the percentage value in ‘Scale and layout’ to 125%, the issue does not occur (120 DPI). Higher resolution displays (e.g. 4k monitor at 3840 x 2160) are more likely to use a high DPI setting, for example 192 DPI.
- As a last resort, consider rolling back to SOLIDWORKS 2020 SP1 where the issue does not occur.