Advanced Selection Tool
This tool is used to select groups of faces/edges/vertices from the selected entities.
Three parameters need to be configured to get the desired selections:
In the Select From parameter, choose the type of entity to extract the selection from. Selected entities can be removed either by selecting the entity again in the graphics window or by selecting the item in the box and pressing the delete key.
If the select from entity is a face, then the end selection can only be edges or vertices; while selecting from bodies and surface bodies allow for all three types of end selection: edges, vertices and faces.
In the Select parameter, choose the type of entity desired for the end selection.
Finally in the Selection Option parameter, select either all or loops. Selecting all will collect all the entity type chosen in the Select parameter from the entities selected in the Select From parameter.
For example, if the Select From entity is a face, the Select type is Edges and the Selection Option is All, all the edges from the selected face will be added to selection.
After defining all three parameters, click on the Find Selections button for the tool to find the appropriate selections.
The appropriate selections will appear in the available selections box. Clicking on any of the selection in the box will add the entities to the currently selected items. The tool can be closed and the selection will remain active.